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I have been teaching music, and more specifically piano, for the last fifteen years. I have taught at all levels, including at university for both bachelor and graduate levels. I have been adjunct professor with the University of Montreal, where I both taught piano and worked as a pianist for the vocal diction classes. I have been invited as a teacher, accompanist and clinician in many music festival and music schools and I also teach privately. Inspired by my experience and observations practicing music, I have devoted myself to different types of personal research, principally pedagogical, in the goal of evaluating, discovering and developing ideal approaches, methods and tools to define and achieve a whole musical training. I recently presented at a conference for Projet SEUR, affiliated with the University of Montreal, and I coordinate the Série des Diplômés de l’Université Laval (SéDUL), an alumni concert series that I founded in 2011.
In addition to my doctoral thesis, « Canvas of Leos Janácek’s expressive universe through the understanding of his 4 movements solo piano piece In the Mist », research subjects that interest me and on which I would like to publish and present include the following : a method developed to help the student vocally express his musical intentions which will allow for an easier sharing of ideas between professor and student; a new approach to the solfege system to help for development of both relative and perfect pitch; the importance of developing a greater understanding of harmonic progressions; how to realize a jazz leadsheet; the importance of teaching composition to young pianists; the idiomatic fundamental principles of piano technique.
As a teacher, I look to inspire a love for music, but also to generate understanding of the work ethic necessary in this domain. I am able to connect well with my students and adapt well to their needs. It is also important to me to contribute positively to the communities with which I am involved and to communicate in a healthy way with my students and colleagues. For more details on my approach to teaching piano, you can download my philosophy of teaching document.

Last update of this page: August 2013
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