Mr Joubert is an excellent pianist and, more importantly, an intelligent, sensitive artist, whose playing is at once scholarly and full of personal charm. He possesses very fine keyboard skills and thorough general musicianship. All of his performances that I have heard – across a broad and challenging repertoire – have been of the highest order, never more so than in his incisive and compelling playing of the extraordinary piano music of Janáček. He is a man of unimpeachable probity, good humour and reliability.
-Leslie Howard, pianist, London, UK, January 2013
The stunning black machine was [...] tackled by technically brillant Antoine Joubert [...] who is in his prime.
-Artistic directors of the Open Piano Competition, London, UK, October 2012
I would listen to him play Janáček at any time of the day or the night.
-Leslie Howard, pianist, London, UK, October 2012
Someone who plays Janáček like that cannot but be a good man.
-Leslie Howard, pianist, Camposampiero, Italy, May 2012
A pianist with deep musicality. Thank you, Antoine Joubert.
-Lise Langlois, responsible of the Musical Youth of Canada in Rouyn-Noranda, 2012
A musician of first rate. His rich imagination, refinement, curiosity and mental vivacity contribute to the quality and sincerity of his playing, writing and composing.
-Dang Thai Son, pianist, Montreal, 2012
Mr. Joubert embodies a magnificient musical talent paired with an immense temperament. His playing is always intense and passionate, with a multitude of musical colours. He is a sincere musician and enriches audience members in a very human way. A great future awaits Mr. Joubert !
-Laurence Kayaleh, violonist, judge of the Festival du Royaume, Montréal, Canada, August 2011
Le pianiste Antoine Joubert possède les qualités de l’artiste original et authentique, l’engagement profond et intense du musicien véritable et le charisme du virtuose éclatant et racé.
-Michel Franck, pianist, accompanist and pedagogue, Quebec, Canada, 2011
Joubert’s playing gave me goose-bumps !
-Frédéric Demers, trumpetist and pedagogue, at the Festival du Royaume, 2011
Inspired and poetic playing with excellent technical control. The character of the pieces was realized with intelligence and a rich imagination. Remarkable talent !
-Robert Weisz, pianist and professor emeritus at University of Laval, 2004
A real pianist !
-Helmut Brauss, pianist, Toronto, Canada, June 2000